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About the venue
Originally the hall was part of the College of Vicars Choral, which occupied a large area to the south-east of the Minster.
The Vicars Choral sang the Services in the Minster. Bedern Hall was the communal meeting place and dining hall for the College from about 1390 A.D. until the mid 1600s, when it passed into private hands. The Hall is one of the few buildings of this once great college still standing and is of importance to students of architecture and history The Medieval Bedern Hall was once the Refectory, or Dining Hall, of the Vicars Choral of York Minster. Now you have the opportunity to hire this unique Hall as a venue for private and business entertaining. The Hall has been equipped to provide modern facilities, whilst retaining its medieval ambience. The timber framed Hall makes an impressive but intimate setting, for dining, particularly by candlelight, and is an ideal venue for Wedding Receptions and dining.. For businesses, the Hall gives a splendid and a unique atmosphere in which to entertain customers and clients. Businesses may also consider hiring the Hall for meetings, seminars and conference
Meeting rooms
In the table below, you can hover over the underlined room names to see a photo of that room.
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