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It's a Jolly, Holly Christmas...

In the words of the song it's a holly, jolly, something or other, Christmas time. The Christmas spirit has descended on Conference UK, and it all began as the whole team dressed up in handsome, stylish and (never to be worn again) Christmas jumpers for the company Christmas card - a tastefully agreeable start to this most welcome of seasons... or something like that. Anyway, we all decided on a budget to find a jumper with a fun, Christmassy design. Competition was understandably fierce; everyone in the office was determined to grab the prize, which was to be able to discard the jumper and get back to normal attire first. As the group anxiously awaited the announcement of the winner of the "best jumper" award - and perhaps even more anxiously the name of the winner of the weakest jumper, the person who just didn't go that extra high street mile for the good of the team - and would thus receive a forfeit, possibly death. Well, all right, not death. But in the end the Powers That Be relented: no one died, everyone had a great time laughing at each other - well, it's team-building of a kind, we suppose - and in the best Disney traditional, everyone was a winner. What was the result of all the effort and all that Christmas budgeting? It's this truly heart-warming picture. The gang's all here, and now you can put the humiliating jumpers to the faces. But to the point: Christmas is a time for giving and you've been given a laugh at our expense, so we have created an e-card from the snap and instead used the money saved on posting cards to donate the cash to a local charity: hats for the homeless. So all those cheery smiles on the card are not just about us. Well, not as much as you first thought. And it's a Christmas spirit that just keeps on giving. Clients get a Christmas give too, valid till the end of February - 50 pound off the next conference worth over 1000 pounds you book. Happy Christmas! Ho, ho, ho...
Author: Gary Burgess
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